Wife sues for wrongful death following crash near Cave-Run


MOREHEAD— Brenda Wilson, a resident of West Liberty, has filed a civil lawsuit in the Rowan Circuit Court on her own behalf and on behalf of her minor children, Halley and Emily Wilson, against James M. Sosbe, a resident of Cynthiana, State Farm Insurance Company and Progressive Direct Insurance Company.

The suit, filed by Kyle Salyer of KIRK LAW FIRM, alleges that Frederick Wilson was killed by the "reckless driving" of James M. Sosbe in a vehicle crash that occurred on Kentucky Route 801 near Cave Run Pro Shop on May 29, 2010.

According to the complaint, Frederick Wilson was operating a motorcycle with his daughter, Halley, when a vehicle operated by James M. Sosbe came onto his side of the road and crashed into him, resulting in his death and injury to his young daughter, Halley. James M. Sosbe was charged with operating a vehicle without insurance. That charge is pending in the Rowan Circuit Court.

The complaint alleges that James Sosbe "violated safety statutes," that his actions were "negligent per se" and were the "proximate cause" of Mr. Wilson's death and Halley Wilson's injuries, that Mr. Wilson's estate should be compensated, that Halley and Emily Wilson have lost their father's "love and affection" for which they should be compensated and that Brenda Wilson should be compensated for the loss of her husband.

Mr. Wilson was an official at the State Correctional Facility at Sandy Hook. "My dear husband was a good and wonderful man who dearly loved his family," Mrs. Wilson said. "We all miss him every day, every minute."

"We feel privileged to represent Mrs. Wilson and her darling daughters," John Kirk said. "This is too tragic for words. Mr. Wilson and Halley were just outdoors for a cruise a few miles from home on a Sunday afternoon when out of nowhere what I call a "death vehicle" came right at them. Mr. Wilson never had a chance."
