Haney Wrongful Death Trial Is Cancelled; Case Is Settled


LOUISA – A trial set at Louisa on Tuesday for Wendy Haney and her children, Kristen and Anthony Haney, against Rick Trucking Company was cancelled as the case was settled by agreement among the parties.

The case, filed last year by Kirk & Crum, PLLC, alleged that Ronald Haney's death and Wendy Haney's serious injuries resulted from the negligence of Rice's truck operator, Ray Davis. The crash occurred in March 2008 near a red light on the south side of Louisa. Defendants Rice and Davis maintained that the accident resulted from the negligence of Ronald Haney.

Ronald Haney, husband of Wendy Haney and father of two children, died from injuries sustained in the crash and Wendy Haney received very serious injuries which caused her hospitalization for two months and later care in a nursing home.

Mr. and Mrs. Haney were the only occupants in their vehicle, an SUV. No one else was hurt. "Although I grieve over Ronald each day, at the same time I thank God for sparing me to care for Kristen and Anthony and I thank God they were not with us when it happened," Mrs. Haney said. The Haneys were returning from an Ashland hospital where they had been visiting a family member when the accident occurred.

The Haney family lived at Nippa in Johnson County at the time of the crash and now live at Tomahawk in Martin County. Mrs. Haney was released from a nursing home a few months ago and is able to ambulate, often with a walker or cane. "My sister, Tammy (Muncy) and my mother (Judy Williamson) help me with the kids. I don't know what I would do without them," Mrs. Haney said.

The parties agreed that the terms of the settlement would not be revealed. "I can only say that the right and just thing was done," John Kirk said. "I feel privileged to have been of some assistance to Wendy and her darling children. I would like to add that justice resulted from the committed work of Bobby Rowe and Kyle Salyer, our co-counsel, and from the professionalism of Shaun Conley, counsel for the company."
